Coolmax is AdvanSA’s advanced polyester fiber for breathable knits. Its main application areas are:
Thanks to its special structure, which includes 3 or 4 cores joined together to form a system of capillaries that carry water and increase the evaporation area, it is an ideal fiber for the production of knitted fabrics for athletes. The ease of moisture transfer means that sweat is quickly taken from the surface of the skin and distributed over a large area. In this way, it evaporates easily allowing you to maintain thermal comfort.
Unlike older generation fibers, such as. Rhovyl does not decompose under UV radiation (in the sun) and does not emit unpleasant odors. They are used for both dense-weave knitted fabrics and fine, sparse mesh knitted fabrics, depending on whether the knitted fabric is required to be more resistant to abrasion and stretching, or more breathable. Knitted fabrics made of Coolmax provide a pleasant dry and breathable feeling. However, they do not have warming properties.
100% PES
We use raw materials of the best grades and encourage recipients of our products to try them. Coolmax, as well as yarns such as Thermolite, Tactel and Meryl are already recognized consumer brands. For each running meter of Coolmax knitted fabrics, we add the original labels indicating the original origin of the knitted fabric. These labels are designed for labeling the finished product.
Our customers greatly appreciate such additions. The presence of labels indicating the use of raw materials from reputable companies increases the value of knitted fabrics made from them, and further increases the value of the final product. It is worth knowing that the use of such tags is subject to a number of restrictions. The manufacturer’s signature knitwear contractor must guarantee its composition. Using proprietary emblems, we meet all the most stringent standards and criteria.
Nothing simpler.
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Marek Miodek prowadzący działalność gospodarczą pod firmą JANMAR SPORT MAREK MIODEK z siedzibą w Ksawerowie, ul. Parkowa 2, 95 – 054 Ksawerów wpisany do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej, NIP: 7311403407, REGON: 100976117
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