Meet Janmar Sport, a leading manufacturer of utility knitwear for printing
Janmar Sport was established in 1971. Our extensive experience in the production of sportswear fabrics makes us a leader in the activewear fabrics marker. We only use top quality yarns such as Coolmax, Thermolite and Meryl. For many years we have been the supplier of choice for many well-known sport fashion brands. Extensive technological facilities, combined with a focus on the continuous development of our offer, have led hundreds of contractors to trust us. Join them and find out for yourself!
For the production of sports knitted fabrics from our offer, we use high-quality yarns – including Coolmax – allowing us to achieve the desired performance qualities. We are committed to providing maximum comfort, while maintaining adequate durability and susceptibility to printing and staining. Detailed information on the technical parameters of specific models in our portfolio is available in the description of the relevant item. Do you have questions about the offer? Don’t wait – contact us!
100% PES
Over 50 years of presence in the knitting market has allowed us to gain valuable experience and practical knowledge, which we translate into high-end textiles, which enjoy unwavering recognition among manufacturers of sportswear and more. Extensive technological facilities, combined with a focus on the continuous development of our offer, have led hundreds of contractors to trust us. Join them and find out for yourself!
For the production of sports knitted fabrics from our offer, we use high-quality yarns – including Coolmax – allowing us to achieve the desired performance qualities. We are committed to providing maximum comfort, while maintaining adequate durability and susceptibility to printing and staining. Detailed information on the technical parameters of specific models in our portfolio is available in the description of the relevant item.
A rich selection of materials dedicated to the production of all types of sportswear! The utility knitted fabrics available in our offer are created as a result of modern technological processes, allowing to obtain physical parameters that meet the exorbitant requirements of competition at the professional level. Innovations in the structure of the material significantly improve its performance qualities, especially in terms of moisture wicking, body temperature regulation and ease of printing. We invite you to check out our offer!
Nothing simpler.
Fill out the form and write us what you need and we will pack and ship.
Marek Miodek prowadzący działalność gospodarczą pod firmą JANMAR SPORT MAREK MIODEK z siedzibą w Ksawerowie, ul. Parkowa 2, 95 – 054 Ksawerów wpisany do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej, NIP: 7311403407, REGON: 100976117
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