Breathable knitted fabrics for cycling, which are available in our offer, are the result of modern technological solutions in the field of production, which allows us to obtain textiles with the parameters desired in professional sports.
Disciplines, based on performance, the essence of which is pushing the limits of the body and overcoming physical barriers, while fractions of seconds can determine athletic success, require top-quality materials with unparalleled performance qualities.
Breathable knitted fabrics for cycling, available among our proposals, have been developed for maximum comfort during prolonged, strenuous physical effort. The specific structure of the material significantly increases the surface area of evaporation, which, combined with the appropriate Coolmax yarn, results in excellent moisture wicking, so that the garment does not soak.
An additional advantage of materials in this category is the ease of applying all kinds of graphic applications. As o manufacturer of sports textiles, we realize the importance of visual identification, so our materials are susceptible to all methods of applying transfer prints.
Nothing simpler.
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