Our passion is sports. Constantly striving to produce the best sports knitwear, we continue to improve our offerings. That is why our knitted fabrics have always been in great demand among sportswear manufacturers. Realizing our vision of development, we decided to take the next step and created sports knitted fabrics, made from the highest quality natural fibers, derived from MERINO Wool.
Merino wool (Merino) is one of the best types of natural fibers available. It is a renewable and biodegradable product. It is a versatile and practical fiber. The ability to automatically wash Merino wool products is an additional advantage in convincing you of the product.
The spectacular differences between ordinary wool and merino wool, shown in the diagram, have a decisive impact on the weight of the garment. Merino wool products are much more comfortable than thicker, heavier and scratchy classic wool products. Thanks to the much smaller cross-section of the fibers, merino wool does not have an irritating effect on the skin.
Depending on the thickness of the fiber, it is possible to obtain lightweight products (underwear) for direct wear on the body (17.5 micron fiber) or outer garments such as sweaters (24 micron fiber).
Merino wool is suitable for producing high-quality sports products for the discerning consumer.
It is commonly used for clothing to:
The extraordinary thermoregulatory properties of this wool mean that it protects against both chilling by providing an adequate thermal insulation layer, but also allows moisture to easily drain from the skin and evaporate, thus cooling the skin. At the same time, it does not give the impression of wet skin.
The fibers have the property of draining water by being hygroscopic at one end and hydrophobic at the other. Wool absorbs water similarly to cotton, but does not give the impression of being "wet".
Thanks to its natural lanolin content, it has an antibacterial effect. It is one of the softest textiles available and does not irritate the skin, and provides the best ratio of heat protection to weight.
Nothing simpler.
Fill out the form and write us what you need and we will pack and ship.
Marek Miodek prowadzący działalność gospodarczą pod firmą JANMAR SPORT MAREK MIODEK z siedzibą w Ksawerowie, ul. Parkowa 2, 95 – 054 Ksawerów wpisany do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej, NIP: 7311403407, REGON: 100976117
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