1. Every textile production carries environmental consequences.
At Janmar Sport, we strive to minimize them, which is why we became the first company in Poland to adopt the most rigorous standard in the world for environmental protection, occupational safety, and consumer protection in the textile industry – bluesign®.
This system guides our production so that we can deliver products that are not only of high quality but also responsibly produced, caring for our planet and the safety of people.
Bluesign® is a prestigious standard for sustainable textile production established to promote ecological and ethical practices in the textile industry. It provides a comprehensive approach to sustainable production management, considering all stages of the production process - from raw material selection to the final product. The goal is to minimize the negative impact on the natural environment and human health by controlling resource consumption, reducing emissions of harmful substances, and ensuring worker safety. The global bluesign® label is synonymous with high-quality, responsible textile production, in line with the highest environmental and social standards. Companies that adopt the bluesign® system are committed to adhering to strict norms regarding environmental protection, worker health and safety, and sustainable resource use.
Navigating the maze of various ecological labels is challenging. We consciously chose the most rigorous of standards, which encompasses a holistic approach to key aspects of our business. Bluesign® is fully committed to a more sustainable way of producing textiles. Collaborating with bluesign® is a crucial step for us in combating excessive exploitation of the natural environment.
Bluesign® APPROVED is a symbol that recognizes exceptional textile products that meet the highest standards of sustainable production. It's not just a quality mark but also an expression of concern for the environment and worker safety. Products marked with this symbol are the result of careful production that harmonizes with nature and promotes an ethical approach in the textile industry.
Nothing simpler.
Fill out the form and write us what you need and we will pack and ship.
Marek Miodek prowadzący działalność gospodarczą pod firmą JANMAR SPORT MAREK MIODEK z siedzibą w Ksawerowie, ul. Parkowa 2, 95 – 054 Ksawerów wpisany do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej, NIP: 7311403407, REGON: 100976117
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